In the first half of 2020, Ernst Götsch started on the São Francisco farm, in Serra Grande, Bahia, the implementation of the biodiverse systems project in 70 hectares of degraded pasture. The objective is to produce cocoa in the lower strata and diversify the medium, high and emerging strata with açaí, pupunha, coconut, jackfruit, among other fruit species. This work is the result of a partnership with Instituto Nova Era, a civil society organization based in Ribeirão Preto/SP, which aims to regenerate forests, recover the natural ecosystem of this region of the cocoa coast and “pay the debt to the planet”, as likes to point out the 72-year-old Swiss.
This union between Agenda Götsch and Instituto Nova Era also foresees the implementation of the Center for Research in Syntropic Agriculture (CEPEAS “Mata Atlântica”), so that research and scientific studies of the various models of process agriculture are carried out, as well as how to share the results with as many farmers as possible. CEPEAS is a dream envisioned by Ernst, and founded by biologist and agronomist Fernando Rebello, who has been a student of Ernst for 24 years. The “Biodiverse Systems” project at the São Francisco farm is the first material jointly produced in this new phase of Agenda Götsch, Instituto Nova Era and CEPEAS. Follow!