Agenda Gotsch

Multi-story tree lines

At the beginning of February, Ernst Götsch was in Portugal to implement the lines of trees in a complex system that includes apple trees, plums, blueberries, grapes, lemon, blackberry, ash, poplar, strawberries, and short-cycle vegetables. When it gets a little warmer, each strip between the trees will receive two double lines of chili peppers, among others that will help occupy and nourish the entire system.

The initiative is from Mendes Gonçalves, known for the brand Paladin, a company that has an extensive list of products and manages to absorb the wide variety of species planted in the system.

A highlight of this design, which is a common question, especially for commercial plantations, is that the strata of the trees were distributed in different lines. While some lines concentrate the low and canopy layers, others receive the medium and emergent. It facilitates management and harvesting.

The main objective is to start from an area with a recent history grain monoculture and to transform this semi-urban land into a beautiful, stratified, biodiverse system that guarantees successive harvests since the first cycles.

Felipe Pasini