Agenda Gotsch

You can support our work by subscribing to our exclusive content

As we promised since the beginning of Agenda Gotsch, we are committed to sharing freely verified information about syntropic farming. We are proud of our 12-year trajectory, which is growingly becoming more consistent.

What many of our beloved followers might not know is that we also do this work for free. For the past years, we mainly took unrelated jobs to invest in here (the good side, it also guaranteed our editorial independence).

Thanks to the increasing interest in our work (specially after the launch of the film “life in syntropy” and the tv show “Velho Chico”), the time required to attend the high demand makes it difficult to conciliate our paid jobs with Agenda Gotsch/Life in Syntropy.

The membership area is an attempt to make this work financially sustainable, so we can build even stronger bridges between syntropic farming and the thousands of people who see this work as an empowering source of information to engage in the regeneration of our ecosystems (and of our own relationship with nature).


Access to all content
$ 7
  • Reviewed articles
  • Research material
  • Exclusive footage
  • Hands-on videos
  • Theoretical videos

Solidarity member

$ 20 Monthly
  • All content with an extra push

Sponsoring member

$ 50 Monthly
  • Same content, more engagement

Angel member

$ 100 Monthly
  • Same content, with more stability

Maecenas member

$ 500 Monthly
  • Same content. You bring tears to our eyes