If you have been to one of Ernst Götsch’s workshops or presentations for the past years, you’ve probably heard him talking about his ideas for new machines – an essential step to up-scale the implementation and management of complex agroecosystems.
So far, he designed a set of eight machines to perform soil preparation, as well as sowing, pruning, cutting, mulching, and harvesting. “Peace Farming Technologies” is the name he gave for this series.
Today we are happy to announce that the first machine is ready. It’s a “bed maker” for compacted soils, a situation quite common for most farmers. It’s the integration of subsoilers with a rotating hoe that lifts the soils and breaks only the surface layer, along with the root system of existing weeds. The result is a fluffy deep bed with the best structure possible to favor root growth. All that in just one go. Ernst had tried this system before by attaching subsoilers onto a regular rotating hoe. It worked well, but it was still not perfect.
Thanks to the Swiss engineers Mathias Wäckerlin and Patrick Specker from RhenusTEK, we now have a machine tailored for that task. Watch below the tests and review of the first peace-farming implement available in the market.
The tests with the prototype happened in Switzerland during the summer, and the final product demonstration occurred in Italy and Germany in October/November 2019.
More info and orders, please contact www.rhenustek.ch